Saturday, May 22, 2010

For A Happy Life!!!

The 10 Rules For A Happy Life!!!>ii<

1- LOVE: The special feeling that makes you feel all warm and wonderful.

2- RESPECT: Treating others as well as you would like to be treated.
To be grateful for all the good things that life has to offer.
The full enjoyment of each moment. A smiling face!
The ability to let things be without anger.
6- SHARING: The joy of giving without thought of receiving.
7- HONESTY: The quality of always telling the truth.
8- INTEGRITY: The purity of doing what's right, no matter what.
9- COMPASSION: The essence of feeling another's pain,
while easing their hurt.

10- PEACE: The reward for living the 10 Most Important Things.

God bless & have a wonderful weekend

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