Sunday, May 2, 2010

Amidst the Storms of Life, There Are Still Mothers...

 Mothers, wishing you a happy month...:)

The storms of life are not over;

It appears they will never be.

As the storms of life rage on

And never seem to end;

Neither do the seemingly senseless,

Relentless, tragedies of life;

Natural disasters ever waiting to occur;

Earthquakes and floods,

Hurricanes, tornadoes and forest fires,

Where agonizing terror reigns

And total devastation prevails;

Amidst the storms of life,

Yes, through it all,

There are still mothers,

Young and old, rich and poor;

Each one struggling to survive

The never-ending battle between life and death;

Endless days and nights,

Fraught with fear and frustration;

The prayers of mothers prevail;

Birth pangs;

A mother about to give birth,

In the midst of turmoil, havoc and total chaos;

Desolation, destruction and death, everywhere;

In the darkness of the blackest night,

The welcome cry of a newborn;

The child's cry soon placated;

The silence of an infant, at its mother's breast;

Each mother in turn,

Caring for, nurturing and loving her children

And others,

As best she can,

While fleeing the tragic aftermath of nature's fury;

Its wrath expressed without words;

Mothers of the past, present and future,

All weathering their own storms of life;

Incessant trials and tribulations,

But life goes on;

Motherhood continues;

Humankind lives on

Because mothers still give birth,

In spite of the storms of life;

Then there is war, relentless war.

The absence of a father figure;

A pregnant woman, left to fend for herself;

Countless children with no fathers,

Only mothers;

Sometimes not even mothers;

Daughters lost to time, forever;

Pain, sorrow and sadness;

The loneliness of mothers;

Motherhood and war,

An apparent contradiction;

One bringing life, the other bringing death;

Through the tragedy of war

And all of the other storms of life,

Mother's love lives on;

God's love still reigns supreme.

The forgiveness of mother's love prevails;

A divine mystery;

Mothers, their mothers as grandmothers,

Or great-grandmothers,

Each one, with her own daughters,

Many destined to struggle for survival;

New mothers, trying to protect their unborn babies;

Infants, clutched tightly in their arms;

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