Monday, August 17, 2009

My Healthy Tips to Slim You Down


• A meal is perfectly healthy without soda and canned fruit juices. Instead, complete your meal with fruity liquids such fresh fruit juices (calamansi, cranberry, pineapple, tomato and orange), fresh fruit shakes (avocado, cherry, mango, and apple), red wine or just water.

• Love seafood especially fish. Like meat, poultry, milk, and eggs, fish are an excellent source of high-quality proteins with sufficient amount of all the essential amino acids. Most fish have less fat than most meats per serving, and the fats in fish are less saturated. This is where you can survive with the activities you're body engages to everyday.

• Some people couldn't live without desserts. They're the sweetest of everything and the most fulfilling taste of every meal. Were you a kind of person who may perhaps resist the smell of tiramisu, the smoothness of an ice cream or the wander of a salad? Neither I. Here's the secret, allow yourself eating too much of your cravings during noon time and you're body will have a lot of time transforming your intake into something useful for the whole afternoon. Doing something is a kind of exercise. Walking, talking, making ourselves in the mirror, or bending over to pick something on the floor unknowingly burns fat accumulated in our body.

• The night time will not be very hard if you've had perfectly fitted your day with the healthy living challenge. Eat what is just enough for your stomach, read a book or watch your favorite television sitcom and sleep in time. Sleeping at least eight hours every day rests your system and calms your spirit for another day. Wake up ahead of the sun, look at yourself in the mirror and discover something different in your face. I just had to tell everyone else that eating right makes me feel lighter and better.

Good Luck:)

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