Saturday, November 6, 2010

Confession of A 'tutubi' Killer

I'm always finding it too hard to find words in my head. Wondering with the ins and the ons or the had, has, and the been, severe it could be or roughly-damaged already if you'd let me guess about it myself.Oh my God.:'(
Seriously though I have a confession to make.
Looking at *yes i'm going to point fingers at two money-making sites* Elance and Profit blogs lately both have made me realize something about myself that I thought i'd lost years ago. What I mean to say is this.
Years ago I use to write and read like a mad woman. I have to believe that my creative writing was fed by my love for reading I can recall countless hours where all I did was read. And when I didnt read I wrote! I wrote poems and short stories. Anyway to give you an idea of how much i'd take in and put out. I on average read 2 books a day from around the 5th grade to oh i'd say my Junior year in high-school. And double that for my writing. Everything was inspiring. I never stopped. when I wasnt writing a story I journaled and wrote my thoughts out that way by way of my own life's stories.
But then something happened to me. I can't quite say what. But I just abruptly stopped writing and reading. And then over the years I started to convince myself that "I wasn't creative enough anymore" that "this side of me isnt who I am anymore" and my ultimate favorite excuse that i've beat to death "I don't have time!"
So why do I call this a confession?
Well because, I gave up things that I loved, had a passion for and I didnt have a good reason for doing it! How sad for me and anyone else that may have benefited from me or anything that I do just because I have too many excuses. And I am not just talking writing. I'm talking about anything I happen to undertake in my life's path. How pathetic of me to cause someone else to miss out because i'm lazy or too shy or too whatever!
Anyway, that was it.
Go easy on me...LOL...

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