Thursday, July 30, 2009

Tribute to Nature...

My Nature Lullaby...

-diadem pearl

When I'm sad and lonely

Feeling my life is Oh so blue

I opened my eyes so early

And feel the morning dew

I see dawn so dull and thirsty

Twice I winked but true

Birds do fly so freely

All their whole life through

I counted them but Oh so many

A flight of one and all the crew

Wide sylvan land of many

Yellow flowers stand a few

I picked one so sweet and pretty

And gave her name short as Sue

A dear then came so slowly

Straight towards a sylph in blue

I brushed his head Oh so hairy

But all he does is chew

Swamp says nothing here is smelly

Though butterflies rest in two and two

I then whispered Oh really

But all's so shy to give one clue

Floating lilies with good so heavy

Sways so gently to and fro

I kneeled to see Oh ants so busy

Some stood to guard for raging foe

Over the blue crystalline water spree

That bears an image of me and hue

I gaze upon a face of beauty

And smiled to see my yellow Sue

The world I live is quiet so messy

The reason still is me Oh me

I wept and acted so silly

Then all they do is shout a boo

So I stared each blankly

To promise a life they view.

A poem describing the company of nature during unconditional instances in a young woman's life. And that life is indeed beautiful even in times of hardship.

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