Saturday, April 24, 2010

Sending Sunshine...Bisan mainit kaayo..grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....

The glory of the rising sun
A great splendor to behold
Glamorously rising in the east
Illuminating smiles in spherical yellow
Leading the herdsman up his journey
Glorifying sprouting on laborer's yields
Evaporating drippings of pegged up lines
With colors of life and rays of light
Shining smoothly to sanction our day
Nature's gleaming eyes on gentle siblings
Beaming sharp signals of pellucid flare
Beginner of new dawn from weary dusk
Stretching up my bones to sparkling glister
Reflecting dazzles, your scintillating shimmer
Kindle up my spirit with radiating armor
Tremendous spectacle high above mountains
Ignite my veins to the beauty of your eyes
To shed on luster in our glimmering dance
Flickering glamor on my lyrical tunes
To burnish a glare, a bedazzled smile
Luminously glorious from the rising sun.

Kahit mainit!!! haha

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