Sunday, September 26, 2010

I love you mama and papa

The greatest gift I ever had from God is my Papa! The role of a father is very important in shaping up the destiny of the child. One can have all the material and spiritual blessings in this world only if they have the best of relationship with their Mama and Papa. It's almost few days since I left home. He is always with me in my heart. I love you Mama and papa. You are one.No one can replace you.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Today is Sunday

Today is Sunday,
Sunday is a day of rest.
It's a day we go to church.
It's a day we give thanks to God
for the many blessings He bestows upon us.
We thank Him for the sunshine.
We thank Him for the rain
that falls upon the ripening grain.
For the air we breathe in
and for so many other things.
This world is a happy place.
If we know how to thank our Lord.
And if we have a problem
we bring it to the Lord.
He's always there for us.
Each hour, each minute of the day.
We are blessed by His presence.
Do enjoy the special feeling.
whenever we are praying.
His grace is all sufficient
for both the young and old. 

Have a wonderful Sunday and God bless everybody.:)

Friday, September 10, 2010

Help Me Make Extra Money Please

Just click on every banner to help.Hehehe

Quality advertising. Big traffic. Increase sales. 
Promote your website. Advertise your product to shoppers.

Quality advertising. Big traffic. Increase sales. 
Promote your website. Advertise your product to shoppers. Free online ads. 
Post your Ad here.

Ay salamat salamat salamat..:)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The only things we ever keep are the things we give away


Whatever you give away today, or think or say or do will multiply about tenfold and then return to you. It may not come immediately, nor from the obvious source but the law applies unfailingly, through some invisible force.
Whatever you feel about another, be it love or hate or passion will surely bounce right back to you in some clear (or secret) fashion If you speak about some person, a word of praise or two, soon, tens of other people will speak kind words of you.
Our thoughts are broadcasts of the soul, not secrets of the brain. Kind ones bring us happiness; petty ones, untold pain. Giving works as surely as reflections in a mirror. If hate you send, hate you'll get back, but loving brings love nearer.
Remember, as you start this day and duty crowds your mind, that kindness comes so quickly back to those who first are kind. Let that thought and this one direct us through each day. 
The only things we ever keep are the things we give away....

God bless and have a wonderful day

Friday, September 3, 2010

Being So Bright and Attractive

A dear old lady was asked what she used to make her complexion so beautiful and her whole being so bright and attractive.
She answered: 
"I use for my lips, truth
I use for my voice, kindness
I use for my ears, compassion
I use for my hands, charity
I use for my figure, uprightness
I use for my heart, love
I use for any who do not like me, prayer."

Have a wonderful day and God bless you my sweet friends